25th October is World Pasta day

Posted by admin on October 25, 2017 in Uncategorized |

History of World Pasta Day
World Pasta Day was brought into existence as part of the World Pasta Congress on the 25th of October in 1995….

Experts from all over the world came together to discuss the glories of the noodle, with particular emphasis on the importance of spreading knowledge of the world’s panorama of pasta. This organization uses World Pasta Day to promote the eating of pasta, along with its cultural and culinary importance.

Everything from encouraging consumers to try new pasta’s to providing important information to institutions and promotions of this increasingly popular food. Every country is encouraged to celebrate the day in their own way, while sharing the logo of the official organisation and participating in the global strategy of World Pasta Day.

How to Celebrate World Pasta Day?
One of the best ways to celebrate World Pasta Day is preparing your favorite dish and enjoying the delicious flavours and textures that come along with your noodley favorite. There’s no way to renew your appreciation than by wolfing down this healthy and nutritious food.

Or you can go all out, and host a World Pasta day party, where everyone comes together to share their favorite pasta dish, or exchange recipes with others to help the love of the noodle spread. Be sure to be prepared for one momentous night of rich and creamy carbohydrate overload, naps will be mandatory, but stomachs will be full!


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