Italy is getting ready for Natale
Like always in this time of the year, in Italy there are different kinds of competitions – the biggest Christmas tree, the most expensive decorated one, his majesty – Il Panettone and many others.
What definitely is catching our attention is the biggest Christmas tree, so called Gubbio Christmas tree
This tree (650 meters high and 350 meters wide) has a tradition old more than 20 years and it is thanks to the local people that we can still every Christmas enjoy it’s shine!
But there is more…what about this kind of his majesty Mr Panettone ?
The example on this picture is done in gold and diamonds on request of a rich Russian gentlemen for only 80.000 euro !
Actually he refused the standard rich version of traditional Christmas cake of 800 euro (with eatable gold and Swarovski crystals) and asked for a very different one – and his wish became true!