The International Studies Expo is one of the most professional exhibitions and is addressed to parents and students, offering them the opportunity to get in touch with colleges, universities, institutes and career professionals το plan their postgraduate studies or their Master Degree.The aim of this exhibition is for students to get a clear idea of […]
NoGravity Theatre , a performing arts company based in Italy, presents: Divina Commedia, a creation by Emiliano Pellisari! A performance inspired by Dante’s Divina Commedia, blending magic, illusion, and circus. The Divine Comedy narrates Dante’s journey through the three Christian realms: Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. It is a symbolic journey, not of a single man, […]
Under the Light of Candles, the beloved of the Cypriot audience “The Italian Tenors“ will sing the praises of love with the most beautiful Italian and international repertoire love songs. Their return in Cyprus is quite noticeable since they are going to present their new and original performance Candlelight Love Concert, giving a romantic musical touch to the […]
Buona Befana!
La storia della befana inizia nella notte dei tempi e discende da tradizioni magiche precristiane. Il termine “Befana” deriva dal greco “Epifania”, ovvero “apparizione” o “manifestazione”. La Befana si festeggia, quindi, nel giorno dell’Epifania, che solitamente chiude il periodo di vacanze natalizie. La Befana è rappresentata, nell’immaginario collettivo, da una vecchietta con il naso lungo e il […]
Stoffe- Venetian Textiles in Cyprus
The long friendship that distinguishes relations between Italy and Cyprus cannot fail to pass through the history that unites Venice and Cyprus, which has left its mark over the centuries! The Embassy of Italy in Nicosia and the Centre of Visual Arts and Research (CVAR – Severis Foundation) in Nicosia are delighted to announce the […]
La Chimera, Italian movie at Rio Cinema, Limassol
The film stars Josh O’Connor as a British looter who gets involved in an international network of stolen Etruscan artifacts during the 1980s. Everyone has their own Chimera, something they try to achieve but can never find. For Arthur, the Chimera is the woman he lost, Beniamina. Is La Chimera worth watching?- A lovely gem that requires […]
IX SETTIMANA DELLA CUCINA ITALIANA NEL MONDO. Dieta Mediterranea e Cucina delle Radici: Salute e Tradizione – 16-22 novembre 2024
Dal 16-22 novembre prossimi torna a Cipro uno degli eventi italiani più attesi dell’anno: la IX Settimana della cucina italiana nel mondo, dedicata quest’anno al tema delle radici e della dieta mediterranea. Per tale occasione l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Nicosia, in collaborazione con l’Agenzia ICE – Italian Trade Agency a Beirut e con il Mediterranean Hotel, […]
Ludovico Einaudi is one of the most famous composers of our time. His works are heard in the best halls all over the world. The creativity of the Italian musician harmoniously combines the indestructible traditions of classics, modern acoustic sound, ethnic motifs, dynamism of modern music and meditativeness. Ludovico’s music for films brought him more […]
Renaissance Fair 2024 at Pyrga
This year, the Renaissance Fair colourfully proclaims and celebrates the love of the Cypriot farmer for his land, turning its focus towards the sowing season, the re-birth of the land and the accompanying societal ‘cultivation and coexistence’. Be sure not to miss the Spectacular Parade led by the Italian flag bearers Sbandieratori Delle Sette Contrade […]
CARMEN – BALLETTO DI MILANO, in Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca
Experience the captivating ballet “Carmen” with famous Italian theatre Balletto di Milano. The mastership of this professional ballet troupe is admired by audiences all over the world. More than 40 years of successful tours in Italy and on the best stages of England, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, Germany and United States. Now the excellent troupe of […]